Saturday 15 December 2012



kalau dapat tau kpop boys pkai dress up mule la x saba2 nk tngox kan.. cube bayangkn lelaki comel pkai !! perhh melting ~hahaha , tapy kalau owg yg x suke kpop tngox mesty kte gay la ,pondan la ~ cbe laa kte dpan aq, penumbuk sebijik nnty lepaz at muke  ..hehe teremosi plax .. :P

okeyh niw beberapa pic yg aq ase cun .. ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Annyeong~ One of the photos isn't a crossdress, I mean, Lee Jun Ki's photo is from film The King and the Clown, so he maybe look girlish, but that wasn't his intention thought :P
