Friday 14 December 2012



14-12-12 , setelah tibe di malaysia untuk kali yg ke2  nu'est telah mengadakan press conference di JW MARRIOTT HOTEL , KUALA LUMPUR semasa press conference dijalankn beberapa soalan telah diberikan kpd nu'est ..

ni adelah soalan & jawapan ...

How do you feel today?

Aron : It’s definitely an honor to be back here in Malaysia, and we want to thank you guys for the support and please continue to cheer for us.

Have you been to anywhere else in Malaysia? 

Baekho : We have yet to get the chance, so we’ve only been to the hotel and airport.

Is there anywhere else you would like to visit in Malaysia?

JR : Kuala Lumpur City Centre, definitely.

Have you guys learned any Malay words? 

Aron : We’ve actually been learning but if it’s okay, you guys can teach us.

Translator taught the boys to greet in Malay, “Apa Khabar?”

Describe Malaysia in one word.

Minhyun : Passion

Ren : Love

JR : Chance

Baekho : Multicultural

Aron : Support and Beautiful

Did you prepare any Christmas presents for one another?

JR : Oh, we usually pass along presents to one another, such as giving socks to all members, since it’s cold in Korea now.

Any recommendations of Korean places to visit?

Baekho : Definitely Gangwon-do, Seoul Ski Resort!

Out of the four seasons, which are you favourite?

Aron : I really like spring

Baekho : Any season is good for me, to be honest, I have no preference.

JR : Spring is nice.

Ren : I like autumn, because winter is too cold.

Minhyun : Well, I like spring too just like JR and Aron.

Do you have any plans to release a full length album?

Aron : Yes, we are planning for our comeback early next year but to address the full length album, that will remain a secret.

If you were an actor, which role would you like to play?

Minhyun : I would love to act as a smart and hardworking student.

Ren : If I was an actor, I would want to play the role of Kim Hyun Joong in Boys Over Flowers.

JR : As for me, it would be great if I can play any roles which involves action.

Baekho : Martial arts role since I have 8 years of experience in that field.

Aron : Being in a romantic comedy would be the best for me.

What kind of Commercial Filming (CF) are you interested in?

Aron : Truthfully, we are open minded to any requests and offers.
What about having a muscular image?

JR : Our boss don’t really want us to have the image, so we don’t exercise often.

Aron : Plus, Ren do not like doing sports and Minhyun can’t do sports for some reason.

Describe the person beside you in one word and why.

Minhyun : Ren is a cutiepie and everything he does is cute.

Ren : JR is sexy. Since he’s our leader, he is extremely sexy and when he performs, he tends to think he is charismatic.

JR : Baekho is Baekho in Korean, similar to White Tiger. He is fierce and strong or manly.

Baekho : Aron is smart and good at studies. He is dandy definitely.

Aron : Minyun is tall and mysterious.

What can fans expect from your showcase tomorrow?

Baekho : It’s a secret.

Minhyun : The best, of course.

Aron : There will be a new side to us tomorrow, wait for it. It is an honor to come to Malaysia, we love you guys!

niw adelah pic nuest di press conference ~

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